Welcome, 2020!

Before we get into it I want to say hello! All of us here at Sylvester Cabinetry thought it would be a great idea to do some blogs throughout the year that are educational on the things that we do. For starters since we just started a new year we wanted to touch on all of the posts you’re going to be seeing about 2020 trends.

With every new year comes a new set of trends we can expect to see. This can range from what diet will be in, what type of fashion will be in, and the newest kitchen trends.

We might be a little biased, but we love the kitchen trends the most (:

Something we here at Sylvester Cabinetry have noticed is that in Delaware we tend to be a few years behind most trends. But don’t worry, we love to give people the kitchen that they want, no matter what trends are in.

So what can we expect in 2020?

Jackson Job

Jackson Job

According to Elle Decor we can see more requests for Navy Blue cabinetry. Side note: (am I allowed to do this? I hope so!) In 2019 we did see a rise of the amount of people that were moving away from the normal whites and greys into the blues, even if it was just in their accents, and we are excited for more colors!

To see more images from this beautiful kitchen click here: http://sylvestercustomcabinetry.com/kitchens-1#/jackson-grey-painted-regent-blue-island

BHG also touches on single-level islands making a trend. In the last year we have seen the increase from a raised island to just single level island. I think it has to do with the clean look it gives a kitchen. But lets be honest, it also takes a hiding spot away from where I could pile stuff on my island and it not be seen from the living room. This trend right here is making us work!

According to Better Homes & Gardens open layouts are here to stay and I can tell you we are happy about this! We can make a lot work in small kitchens, but there is just a certain feeling you get in a kitchen that has an open concept!

According to Better Homes & Gardens open layouts are here to stay and I can tell you we are happy about this! We can make a lot work in small kitchens, but there is just a certain feeling you get in a kitchen that has an open concept!

We are excited for all of these trends, and also for anything that comes our way in 2020. Some of our favorite projects come from someone thinking outside of the box and wanting something they don’t think is “normal” like…..

Coon (17).jpg

“can we do a hunter green island?” Why yessss you can!

“can I have two islands in one kitchen?” OF COURSE

and one of my favorites

“Can I do two (or more) colors of cabinets?” Absoooolutely

We here at Sylvester are open to all of the ideas that people bring to us. At the end of the day we are designing, producing, and installing the job, remember it is YOUR space. Make whatever decisions you want!

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