Easy Ways to Declutter Your Kitchen In Time For Spring!

Winter is over, which means it is time for spring cleaning! To get your started early, here are a few tips that can help you declutter your kitchen.

Step 1: Create a donate/trash pile

This step can seem the most daunting, but it is the most crucial. Go through all of your cabinets and be honest with yourself. If there is something you don’t use, place it in the donate or cash pile. I know what you’re thinking.. What about that one serving tray I could use if I threw a party that was lemonade themed?! PUT IT IN THE PILE! If that day comes, I’m sure you can find a serving tray that fits more than one parties purpose..

Step 2: Organize what is left in your kitchen

Sometimes life can get busy and things can end up in the wrong spot. Or maybe you’ve been tired of the overflowing container cabinet. Now is the time to reorganize these cabinets. Think of how awesome it will be in a week when you go to grab something, and everything is organized and where it is supposed to be!

Step 3: Clean off your countertops

I know that everyone is different, but countertops usually mean clutter. Take stock of what you have on your counter, see if there are some things that can be put in cabinets until they are needed, and also see if there is stuff on the counter that doesn’t belong in the kitchen. Remove all of those kitchen and then wipe everything down. You will be amazed how much a clean countertop can change a kitchen!

Step 4: Go through your refrigerator and pantry

Check expiration dates on your dressing and sauces in the fridge. Go through your pantry and check expiration dates on your canned goods. A lot of time it can be “out of sight, out of mind” so it is important to go through this a few times a year. While you are doing this it might be a good time to make a list of items you need to stock up on at the grocery store. You can also reorganize as you go to make items more accessible.

Step 5: Relax!

Time to relax and enjoy the peace that comes with having a clean and organized kitchen! Make sure to keep up with the organization and try to keep the space from getting cluttered!